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The Colestin Rural Fire District is no longer operational. As a courtesy to our local community, this website will continue to be maintained on a limited basis and for a limited period of time; however, we are no longer liable for responding to fire calls, medical calls, or any other emergencies. We have not yet been annexed into Jackson County Fire District 5, although we will have their support during fire season, so at this time, District 5 is not primarily responsible for responses within our district. Instead, all calls should be directed to 9-1-1. The appropriate resources will be dispatched accordingly, and as they are available.

The Colestin Rural Fire District - northward view of Mt. Ashland from Interstate 5
The top end of the Colestin Rural Fire District:  view of Mt. Ashland from the Siskiyou Summit

The Geographic Boundaries of the Fire District

Our geographic boundaries can be roughly described as: Just beyond Interstate 5 to the east, the Mt. Ashland ski road to the north, Cottonwood drainage to the west, and the California-Oregon border to the south.

More exactly, the District is located in Jackson County Townships 40 and 41 South, and in Ranges 1 and 2 East.

The District's area encompasses approximately 17 square miles.

The closest fire agency to this area, after our own, has an average response time of about 40 minutes.


Topographic Map of the Colestin Rural Fire District


View a larger version of this topographic map (file size 755 KB).

View a high-resolution U.S.G.S. topographic map - color version of the District and nearby area (file size 1633 KB).

View a regional U.S.G.S. topographic map - color version of the District and regional area (includes Medford, OR.) (file size 1496 KB).


Map of Colestin Rural Fire District boundaries and overlapping High Risk Wildfire Area


map legend: district boundary line       map legend: high risk wildfire shaded area       map legend: scale


THE THICK BLACK OUTLINED AREA in the High Risk Wildfire Area map above denotes our legal district boundary. (Note that the two smaller outlined areas on the right represent residents across the I-5 corridor who have legally annexed their properties into our district.) Colestin Road runs up through the middle of this map; Mt. Ashland Road ("the ski road") runs just under the northern district boundary line.

THE SLANTED GREY SHADED AREA represents HIGH RISK WILDFIRE AREA. This area has been determined by recent studies conducted on the potentially hazardous urban-rural forest interface zones throughout the State of Oregon.



Jackson County logo

This map and related information was provided to us by courtesy of Government Information Systems Maps, and through the kind services of Connie Florie, in G.I.S. (Geographic Information Systems) Mapping of Jackson County.

View a larger version of the above High Risk Wildfire Area map  (file size 515 KB)


Additional Maps of the Colestin - Mt. Ashland area:

(View larger versions)


Sketch of Colestin valley up to Mt. Ashland      Sketch of Mt. Ashland and ski road area (north end of district)

Sketch of the Siskiyou Summit area (northeast end of district) toward Ashland & detail of Railroad Tunnel 13


The Colestin Rural Fire District is located just inside of the State of Oregon, above the Oregon-California border. The 17-square-mile area that the District protects is approximately half-way inland from the coast at the top of the State of California, and to the immediate west of Interstate-5.

Road access into the top end of the district is at the Mount Ashland Ski Road exit from Interstate-5 just north of the Siskiyou Summit in Oregon, and at the lower end, at the Hilt exit from I-5 in California. Old Highway 99 South, the old route over the Siskiyous, also provides local access to the Mt. Ashland Ski Road and connects to I-5 near Hilt. Both the Mt. Ashland Ski Road and the Hilt-Hungry Creek Road connect with Colestin Road, which runs through the center of the district.


The lower end of the Fire District: Hilt & lower Colestin Road
The lower end of the Fire District:  Hilt and lower Colestin Road, view northwest from I-5 at Hilt exit

Both Old Highway 99 and Colestin Road were originally logging roads; Colestin Road alone consists of about 8 miles of winding hairpin turns, and is sometimes closed at the north end going over the Siskiyous in winter. While these back roads serve local residents, they are not able to accommodate 18-wheel trucks or other large traffic, which are advised to use only the freeway.

Because of these road conditions, along with unpredictable winter weather, and the added fact that most of Colestin's District has no roads at all, our fire trucks and emergency response vehicles are almost entirely decked out with 4X4 capacity for difficult off-road travel.


Where in Southern Oregon are we? This map provides an overview of all of southern Oregon's regional fire protection districts, and shows the relative sizes involved.

The Colestin Rural Fire District on this Jackson County map at the bottom center, just to the left of Interstate-5 (the district is shown in an olive-green color). Other fire districts are located on the map according to the legend (bottom left). Areas in pale yellow are not located in a fire protection district.

Colestin's area, just inside of the State of Oregon above the Oregon-California border, is 17 square miles. This relatively smaller size, compared to other districts, can make fire protection appear to be deceptively easier here than it is, since the mountainous, steep topography of Colestin's district is not evident.


Jackson County, Oregon, Fire Protection Districts; Colestin below, center.


See a larger view of Jackson County's Regional Fire Protection Districts Map (1981KB).

Our regional location: We straddle the convergence of 3 National Forests: the Klamath National Forest, the Rogue River National Forest, and the Siskiyou National Forest.

This is the result of our location at the northern peak of the Siskiyou Summit, and at the crest of the east-west continental divide along the Cascade Mountain Range.


Regional map of District area: California - Oregon border north to Medford


Where in the West are we? (Link to western U.S. maps)



A view from the south end of the Colestin valley looking northward, in autumn
A view from the south end of the Colestin valley in Hilt looking northward toward Mt. Ashland - in autumn


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